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Royal Sundaram Smart Cash Health Insurance

184 reviews Rate This
Royal Sundaram Health Insurance
Smart Cash
Claim Settlement Ratio98.60%
Network Hospitals10,000+
Pre-existing Disease Waiting Period3 years
Special BenefitsModern Treatments Such as Bariatric Covered
Starting Premium for Rs. 5 lakhs SIRs. 382/month
Starting Premium of Rs. 5 lakhs SIRs. 382/month

About Royal Sundaram Smart Cash Health Insurance

Hospitalisation is a costly matter. During the admission period, apart from the hospital or clinic bills and prescriptions, incidental costs such as special diet, frequent visits to the hospital, and stay with the patient & so on become an extra burden on the family's monetary resources. Smart Cash Plan is a medical insurance plan which is designed to provide a cushion against the financial burden arisen due to the hospitalisation. It is committed to delivering daily benefit for covering the expenses related to miscellaneous events and items if an insured individual is hospitalised due to a mishap or disease.

People from the age of 91 days can enjoy the coverage of this Smart Cash Plan. However, the age of proposer should be at least 18 years on the commencement of the policy. The plan comes with one, two and three years of coverage terms and is available in three variants, viz., Silver, Gold and Platinum to offer complete protection to you and insured members of your family. However, the maximum number of days of admission covered under this plan can't exceed 180 days per person per policy year. The coverage amount under this health insurance plan goes from Rs. 500 to Rs. 10,000 per day. People who can avail this policy include self or proposer and dependent members, who possess any legal relation to the proposer.

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Key Inclusions and Exclusions of the Plan

What's Included

  • Critical illness benefit
  • Convalescence benefit
  • Accident hospitalisation benefit
  • Joint hospitalisation due to an accident
  • Hospital confinement also during an abroad trip

What's Not Included

  • Any other alternative treatment except allopathy
  • Hospitalisation for evaluation and/or diagnosis
  • Treatment traceable to pregnancy or miscarriage
  • Injuries due to nuclear weapons, materials etc.
  • Psychiatric or psychosomatic disorders, insanity

4963 Royal Sundaram Cashless Network Hospitals in India

Smart Cash User Reviews

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What users are saying
  • All
  • Comfortable plan!

    As per the name, this is a smart plan in real sense. I have been using this policy for more than 1 years and claimed once. I was surprised to witness the swiftness in the claim settlement process of the plan. Very few plans and insurers have this much dedication after the purchase. 

    By Farooq Sidhiqui
    On: Feb 18, 2020
  • An ideal choice.

    This policy is furnished with various sorts of benefits. This Smart Cash Policy is a perfect sort of purchase as per your medical requirements. It also includes the optional benefit which increases the value of this health plan. In short, for me this is an ideal choice for my family.

    By Nimisha Khanduri
    On: Feb 18, 2020
  • Smart scheme.

    When it comes to hospitalisation, everybody’s savings start to squander. Mine case was no different when I got admitted for my liver infection last year. This stimulated me to buy a new plan like Smart Cash. Though I have not made any claim under this policy but its features gives me a peace of mind.

    By Barkha Singh
    On: Feb 05, 2020
  • Attractive one!

    This policy has been a great bunch of benefits and features for me. I found this scheme as a good deal to enter in and suggest every one to get this as it suits almost every sort of hospitalisation needs. It comes with the option benefit with it which attracted me a lot. 

    By Lalit Sinha
    On: Feb 05, 2020
  • Wonderful policy.

    This is a plan that is furnished with a lot of features and benefits. The Smart Cash Policy is certainly a great buy and can be bought as per my medical requirements. I love the inclusion of optional benefit a lot as it enhances the value of this plan and concludes it as an ideal choice for every household.

    By Varsha Srivastava
    On: Jan 22, 2020

Add-ons to Enhance Benefits

  • Personal Accident Benefit

    With this benefit, if at any time during the continuation of this policy an insured member sustain any bodily injury resulting solely and directly from an accident caused by external, violent and visible means anywhere in the world, then the insurer has to pay a specified amount to the insured or his nominee. The cases may comprise Death, Permanent Total Disablement, and Permanent Partial Disablement.

Royal Sundaram Smart Cash Expert Review

  • Expert Review

    Hospitalisation can be monetarily unpleasant in different ways. There might arise a need for attendant accommodation, travel costs, special diet expense, medicinal and hospital bills and so on, while admitted in the hospital. Therefore, Smart Cash Plan can bring a huge relief through regular financial aid in terms of daily cash payouts.  

    It provides a wide coverage amount from Rs. 500 to Rs. 10000, which depends on the chosen variant. The plan offers coverage to people of at least 91 days old for the policy period of 1, 2 and 3 years.  The Smart Cash Plan offers hospitalisation coverage for a maximum of 180 days per person per policy year. However, daily benefit sum insured shall be restricted to Rs. 3000 per day (Silver variant) for people above 70 years of age at the time of entry. Apart from this, the very many components derive the plan as quite simple and ideal policy to utilize. 

  • Major Attractions

    The Smart Cash Plan provides cash on a daily basis, but its offering doesn’t cease here. The plan is open for the people of every age and can be achieved with a single premium payment only irrespective of tenure. Here are some special benefits of the plan which functions as its major attraction:

    • Hospital confinement benefit
    • Accident hospitalisation benefit
    • Health check-up cost reimbursement
    • Intensive care and child birth benefit
    • Joint hospitalisation due to an accident
    • Convalescence and critical illness benefit
    • Emergency family member visit from abroad
    • Pre-existing disease and Parental Accommodation Benefit
  • What’s More?

    In addition to the coverage benefits, some other aspects of this policy are equally important and appreciated. The added components of the plan are as follows:

    • 15 days of free look period is given
    • Grace period of 30 days is available
    • Tax benefit is offered on the premium
    • Policy period option of 1, 2 and 3 year
    • Family discount of 10% for covering 3 or more members


  • Conclusion

    Furnished with so many features and benefits, the Smart Cash Policy can be concluded as a great buy and can be purchased as per your medical requirements. The inclusion of optional benefit enhances the value of the plan and concludes it to be an ideal choice for every household.

    If you want to buy this policy, try it online as it is always faster and safer than the offline mode. InsuranceDekho website is the perfect place to make your purchase done after having a complete analysis of diverse health plans. It helps you to buy the most suitable policy exactly as per your needs.

Royal Sundaram Smart Cash Brochure

  • 436.67 KB
  • PDF Document
  • Sep 19, 2019

Claim Process at Royal Sundaram Health Insurance

  • Network Hospital
  • Non-Network Hospital
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate at least 48 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Fill in the pre-authorisation form and hand it over to hospital's insurance/TPA desk to initiate claim request.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request is approved, claim is settled. If not approved, claim for reimbursement after discharge.
  • 1

    Claim Assistance

    For any assistance or query, call InsuranceDekho at the toll-free number 755 1196 989.
  • 2

    Claim Intimation

    Emergency hospitalisation needs intimation within 48 hours and for planned hospitalisation intimate within 72 hours prior to admission.
  • 3

    Claim Processing

    Submit claim form with original documents such as doctor’s reports, hospital bills, diagnostic tests, etc.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    Once your request for reimbursement of expenses is approved, the claim will be settled.

FAQs on Smart Cash Health Insurance Plan

  • What is the sum insured or coverage amount offered under Smart Cash Plan?

    The sum insured or coverage amount varies from Rs. 500 to Rs. 10000 per day, depending on the variant selected. 

  • What are the relationships that can be covered under this health insurance plan?

    This policy allows the coverage of Self or Proposer and Dependents, who bear any type of legal relation to the proposer. 

  • Does the Smart Cash Plan offer any discount to its policyholders?

    Yes, the plan offers a family discount of 10% for covering 3 or more members.

  • How can I enrol myself to get this Smart Cash Plan?

    The plan owns a fast and simple enrolment process. You just need to duly fill the health proposal form. It is advised to ensure that all the relevant details are submitted accurately and completely before signing the form.

  • What is the coverage term available under the Smart Cash Plan?

    The Smart Cash Plan is available with the coverage term of 1, 2 and 3 years.

  • Is there any optional cover provided with the Smart Cash Plan?

    Yes, Personal Accident Benefit is available as an optional benefit under the Smart Cash Plan. The benefit can be availed only if an additional amount of premium is paid at the time of policy inception itself and coverage confirmed. 

  • What is the coverage limit in regards to the days covered under this plan?

    As per this plan, the maximum number of days of hospitalisation covered under this health insurance plan can’t exceed 180 days per person per policy year. 

  • Is there any variant offered under this plan?

    Yes, the plan is available under three variants named as Silver, Gold and Platinum.

  • What are the benefits available under different variants of the Smart Cash Plan?

    The plan is equipped with several benefits which are segregated under different variants. Some of the benefits are Hospital Confinement Benefit, Accident Hospitalisation Benefit, Convalescence Benefit, Critical Illness Benefit, Joint Hospitalisation due to an Accident, Child Birth Benefit, Pre-existing Disease Benefit, Health Check-up Cost Reimbursement, Intensive Care Benefit, Emergency Family Member Visit from Abroad, Parental Accommodation Benefit and so on.

  • Can I earn any tax-related benefit under this health insurance plan?

    Yes, under this plan, the premium amount is eligible for tax rebate under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

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