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Value Added Benefits In Star Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance plans offer financial aid to the policyholders at an affordable price and this amount supports them at the time of a medical emergency. Health insurance policies come packed with basic benefits like hospitalization costs, room rents, ambulance charges, organ donor expenses, and much more. However, the health insurance providers offer a set of benefits along with the health insurance plans to the policyholders to add extra value to their purchased policy, and such plans are called value-added benefits.

Star health insurance plans come packed with value-added benefits that enhance the regular coverage of a health insurance policy and add value to the services offered to the policyholders. No extra premium is charged for the cost of these services and it increases the efficiency of this Starhealth Insurance plan.

Value Added Benefits In Star Health Insurance Plans

Value Added Benefits In Star Health Insurance Plans

Value added benefits are one of the major benefits that are offered to the policyholders under the plans. Under this benefit, the health insurance provider offers extra services to the policyholders that add value to their existing health insurance plans. Some of these services include:

  • E-Medical Opinion

Under this service, the policyholders can receive opinions on their medical status from medical experts over the Internet. With a one-to-one interaction between the policyholder and the doctor, medical opinions can be delivered regarding their critical illnesses, etc.

Must Read: Top Star Health Insurance Plans

  • Telemedicine Services

This value-added service enables the policyholders to receive the diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment over the telecommunication service. Without physically going to the hospital, the policyholders can receive their treatments by being at home.

  • Wellness Programs

This program provides the policyholders with extra points for engaging in physical and health-related activities. These points later can be added to the sum assured.

Apart from the above-mentioned value-added services, there are several other services that are provided to the policyholders under the Star health insurance plans. The list of these benefits can be checked under the policy terms and conditions. You must go through the fine print of your plan to avail of these services without any inconveniences.

Some Benefits of Star Health Insurance Plans

Apart from the value-added benefits, Star health insurance plans offer various other benefits to its policyholders at an affordable price. Following are some of the prominent benefits that can be availed by the policyholders under their purchased Star health insurance plans:

  • Different types of plans are offered like maternity benefits, individual, family floater, etc.
  • Variants in terms of the policy tenure are provided, that is the plan can be bought for a single-year or multi-year
  • For every claim-free year, the cumulative bonus is awarded to the policyholders
  • Cashless treatments can be received at around 8000+ networked hospitals
  • Co-payments are not mandatory for policyholders below 60 years of age
  • Less documentation with hassle-free and quick procedures for claim settlement
  • Lifetime renewability of services is available for renewal of the plans
  • Tax-saving perks can be availed on the premium amount of the plans

Inclusions Under The Star Health Insurance

Following are some of the basic features that are included under a regular Star health insurance plan for their policyholders:

  • Hospitalization charges like domiciliary costs, inpatient costs, etc. are covered
  • Sufficient coverage for intensive and modern treatments
  • 30 days before hospitalization and 60 days post-hospitalization are financially aided by the insurer
  • Road ambulance covers and room rent charges are provided
  • AYUSH treatments are aided by the insurer
  • Organ donor expenses, daily cash allowances, etc. are some other inclusions.


You can avail the value added benefits of your Star health insurance policy at the time of the claim settlement process. Some of the benefits like the wellness program encourage the policyholders to lead a better and healthy lifestyle, for which the insurer rewards them with extra credits and points. These accumulated benefits can be availed after a certain waiting period as specified by the insurer.

Also Read: Benefits of Buying Star Health Insurance Plan

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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