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Life Insurance for Overweight People

A lot of people are facing the challenge of being overweight, and India is no exception  Being overweight isn't just about appearance, it can lead to serious health issues like diabetes, heart problems, and more. These health problems might affect how long we get to live. That's where life insurance for overweight people comes in.

A life insurance policy serves as a financial safety net for your family. It provides financial support to your loved ones in the event of your death. However, do you know that your life insurance premiums may increase if you are overweight? 

So, before you decide on a life insurance plan, it's important to understand how your weight can affect it and for that, this guide has got you covered.

Why Life Insurance Companies Ask About Your Weight?

Have you ever wondered why life insurance companies want to know your weight? Well, they focus on the height-to-weight ratio, which helps them determine if you fall into the category of being overweight. Your weight is a crucial piece of information for life insurance companies because it can be linked to various health issues, such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, and more. 

Excess body weight can be associated with other serious health issues like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc. Moreover, life insurance companies often rely on your Body Mass Index (BMI), which considers both your height and weight, to evaluate whether you might pose a higher risk due to your weight.

So, when life insurance companies ask about your weight, they are not just focusing on the number;  but also considering a broader picture of your health and its related potential risks.

Can you Get Life insurance If You Are Overweight?

Yes, even if you are overweight, you can still obtain a life insurance coverage. Weight is one of several characteristics that life insurance companies use to determine eligibility and premium rates. In addition to your weight, other important considerations include your lifestyle, medical history, and general state of health.

The insurance company might consider you as a greater risk if you are overweight because of the possible health risks connected with being overweight. This does not, however, imply that you won't be eligible for life insurance. But yes, you may be offered coverage at a higher premium to offset the perceived risk.

Note that it's important to disclose accurate information about your weight and overall health when buying  life insurance. Failure to provide the right information could result in complications during the claims process later on.

Premium Details of Life Insurance for Overweight Individuals

When it comes to life insurance premiums for individuals who are overweight, it's essential to recognise that the Body Mass Index (BMI) is just one factor influencing the cost. The amount of life insurance premium is also determined by the underwriting policy of the insurance company.

Term insurance primarily offers a death benefit without an investment component. And, even with term insurance, the health status of the policyholder impacts the premium amount. 

BMI, serving as an indicator of health, becomes a crucial element for insurers to assess the risk of death. Therefore, the most suitable life insurance plan is the one that provides an affordable premium based on your BMI. However, before selecting a  plan, it's crucial to understand what BMI is and how it influences the premium calculation.

Understanding BMI and It’s Calculation

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure that helps assess an individual's body weight in relation to their height. It is a useful tool to estimate whether a person has a healthy body weight, is underweight, overweight, or obese. To calculate your BMI, follow these steps:

  • Obtain Your Weight in Kilograms (kg): Weigh yourself using a scale and record the weight in kilograms.
  • Measure Your Height in Meters (m): Measure your height using a ruler or tape measure and record the height in meters.
  • Square Your Height: Multiply your height by itself (height * height).
  • Calculate BMI: Divide your weight in kilograms by the squared height (weight / (height * height)).


BMI = Weight in kg / (Height X Height) in m

Once you have calculated your BMI, you can interpret it using standard categories:

  • Underweight: BMI less than 18.5
  • Normal weight: BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Overweight: BMI between 25 and 29.9
  • Obesity: BMI of 30 or greater

Impact of Your BMI on Life Insurance Costs

Do you know how your Body Mass Index (BMI) can impact the costs of your term insurance premiums? 

Let us help you understand this!

BMI serves as a health indicator, giving insights into whether you are at a higher or lower risk in terms of health. This crucial information plays a significant role in determining the premiums for your term insurance. If your BMI score is more than 25, it suggests that you fall into the overweight category. From the insurer's perspective, this might indicate a higher chance of potential health issues. This can even lead to an earlier-than-expected demise of the policyholder and subsequent payout of the death benefit.

Notably, individuals with higher BMI scores may find themselves facing higher premiums in comparison to those with lower scores. Therefore, if you find yourself classified as overweight or obese based on your BMI, be prepared for the possibility of increased insurance premiums. 


When it comes to obtaining Life Insurance for overweight people, understanding the impact of Body Mass Index (BMI) on premium rates is crucial. Life insurance companies ask your weight to assess potential health risks.  While being overweight may lead to higher premiums, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't be eligible for coverage.  Also, make sure you disclose accurate information about your weight because it is the key to a smooth claims process. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Why do life insurance companies ask about my weight?

Ans. Life insurance companies ask about your weight to assess health risks associated with excess body weight, which might lead to various health issues.

  • Can I get life insurance if I am overweight?

Ans. Yes, you can easily get life insurance if you are overweight, but you may be offered the  coverage at a higher premium to offset perceived health risks.

  • Why is BMI important in determining life insurance premiums?

Ans. BMI serves as an indicator of health and helps insurers assess the risk of death, impacting the cost of life insurance premiums.

  • How is BMI calculated?

Ans. BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by the squared height in meters (BMI = Weight / (Height * Height)).

  • Is disclosing accurate information about weight important when buying life insurance?

Ans. Yes, providing accurate information about your weight and overall health is crucial to avoid complications during the claims process.


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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