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Aegon Life Insurance Child Investment Plans - Features and Benefits

Aegon Life Rising Star Insurance Plan is a child plan which helps you systematically create an investment corpus for supporting your child’s dreams and aspirations. The plan provides you with a triple life cover benefit against your life till your child attains the age of 25 years. Moreover, the plan offers 4 different fund options along with an auto-rebalancing option to provide you substantial flexibility to invest your hard-earned money as per your risk profile and investment style. The plan takes care of your liquidity requirements by way of partial withdrawals and systematic partial withdrawals options. 

Best Features of Aegon Life Rising Star Insurance Plan

The best features of the Aegon Life Rising Star Insurance Plan are as follows - 

1. Fund Options

The plan provides 4 fund options namely Accelerator Fund, Stable Fund, Secure Fund, and Debt Fund to meet your varying investment portfolio preferences.

2. Investment Strategies

The plan provides an optional investment strategy named auto rebalancing strategy which automatically rebalances your investment as per the allocation proportions chosen by you.

3. Invest Protect Option

This option helps in minimising the risks  by systematically transferring your investment units from Accelerator Fund to Secure Fund during the last 3 years of your policy.

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4. Fund Switches

You can switch your investments from one fund to another up to 4 times in a policy year, without any extra cost. 

5. Partial Withdrawals

You can make partial withdrawals after the completion of the lock-in period of the first 5 years to meet urgent financial requirements, subject to a maximum of 20% of your fund value in a policy year.

6. Systematic Partial Withdrawals

You can also choose to periodically redeem your fund units and get their proceeds credited to your bank account. The systematic partial withdrawals can be made on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis for the duration of your choice.

7. Top-up Premium

You can invest additional premium via top-up option with a minimum amount of INR 5,000 anytime during the policy tenure except the last 5 policy years.

8. Increase in Sum Assured

The plan provides the flexibility to increase your basic sum assured anytime during the policy term, subject to underwriting.

Benefits of Aegon Life Rising Star Insurance Plan

Aegon Life Rising Star Insurance Plan offers the following benefits to its investors - 

1. Death Benefit

In case of an unfortunate death of the life assured during the policy term of the policy, an aggregate of the following is payable to the nominee as the death benefit - 

  1. An amount equivalent to the higher of death sum assured or 105% of the total premiums paid till the date of death.
  2. An amount equivalent to the annualised premium is paid at the beginning of every policy year from the date of death of the life assured till the end of the policy term as an income benefit.
  3. The base fund value is paid at the end of the policy term. 

In addition to the above, all the future premium payments will be waived off by Aegon Life Insurance as the Premium Waiver Benefit.

2. Maturity Benefit

In case of the survival of the life assured till the end of the policy term, a maturity benefit equivalent to the fund value, including the top-up fund value, as on the maturity date is payable.

The life assured has the option to remain invested in the funds beyond the policy maturity date under the settlement option of the plan. By exercising this option, you can choose to receive the maturity benefit in instalments for the time period of your choice.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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