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SBI Life Investment Plans

16 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio93.09%
Customer Care9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
In-House Claim SettlementAvailable
Special BenefitsAvailable

The table below highlights some of the best SBI Life Investment Plans:

Investment plan

Entry age

Max. Maturity age

Policy tenure

Sum assured

SBI Smart Humsafar Plan

18- 46 years

65 years

10 -30 years

Rs. 1 lakh- 30 crores

SBI Life Smart Money Planner

18- 60 years

75 years

15- 25 years

Rs. 1 lakh- 5 crores

SBI CSC Sarai Sanchay

18- 60 years

70 years

10- 15 years

7/10 times of the annual premium

SBI Life Smart Income Protect

8- 58 years

65 years

7- 15 years

Rs. 1 lakh- no limit

SBI Life Smart Guaranteed Savings Plan

18- 50 years

65 years

15 years

Depends on a premium

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